Observations Politics


Romney’s Disdain and Contempt for Ninety-nine Percent of all Americans.

By J R Martin

It has been clear for anyone scratching off a bit of the facade worn by Willard Mitt Romney, Republican Presidential Candidate, who he really represents beside himself. Funded by billionaires and begrudgingly supported by the radical Christian fundamentalists, both of whom he has tried to hide, Romney has left no doubt now about who he represents and that he has only disdain for the majority of Americans. He mentions 47% that he dismisses as freeloaders. The other fifty-two percent he doesn’t like very much either but he needs them to use for his political ambitions. He only cares about himself and the rest of the one percent he considers himself to be included.

All of this proven in a recently released video, by Mother Jones. This video was secretly recorded at a Romney fundraiser held by Marc Leder in Boca Raton on May 17, 2012. Leder is a controversial private equity manager who has been a long term friend and supporter of Romney.

At the fundraiser, Romney replied to a question about how he would deal with certain types of voters.  His answer recorded both with video and audio was:

“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it, that that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax…  My job is is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

Who are the forty-seven percent?  Could they be the 22 percent of people who didn’t owe income taxes who are elderly people on Social Security? Seventeen percent who are students, disabled people or the unemployed? Perhaps sixty percent of the group are low-income workers, many of whom qualified for the child tax credit or the earned income tax credit. (These workers did pay payroll taxes for Social Security and other programs.)  And maybe the 4000 people earning over a million dollars who also paid no income taxes in 2011, perhaps the very people who Romney was addressing in that room?  The people who paid $50,000 each to attend the fundraiser.

I believe about fifty-three percent of Americans voted for President Obama in 2008. I doubt that forty-seven percent of them paid no income taxes. So it is Romney who is promoting “class warfare.”  Romney continued on speaking at the fundraiser about his strategy to get the other six percent of voters to vote for him:

“Those people I told you—the 5 to 6 or 7 percent that we have to bring onto our side—they all voted for Barack Obama four years ago. So, and by the way, when you say to them, “Do you think Barack Obama is a failure?” they overwhelmingly say no. They like him.” — Romney 

Romney talks about how they will claim that Obama is a nice guy but not up to the task to appease the emotional side of the five to seven percent of voters they want to win over to vote for him.

It has always been a Republican strategy to try and convince working people, blue collar and white collar, that somehow other people are using them, living off the taxes they pay, on welfare or getting food stamps. They try to make it seem as if all these people are minorities, which is not true.  In hard times more non-minority people are on welfare and food stamps than minority people. This strategy is one aspect of getting working, middle class people to vote against there own best interests. “Divide and Conquer.”

It is misleading to talk about middle class people making under two hundred fifty thousand dollars per year when the mean salary for working people is more like $35,000. Here you have Romney donors dropping $50,000 to attend a fundraiser when many middle class people would love to make that much in a year.

Romney is a liar and a total fraud when he appears in public. In private he is an arrogant, unapologetic, probable billionaire (if we could only see his tax returns for more than a partial year) who represents the minority of super wealthy; the oligarchy that wants to control the United States. He pays lip service to the tea party and Christian fundamentalist because they control the Republican Party.





Photography Politics


Last night of Democratic Convention September 2012. Photographs by Jim Martin






Arts Photography

Photographs by Megen Lauren

Photographs by Megen Lauren


Copyright 2012 Megen Lauren





Copyright 2012 Megen Lauren


Arts Poetry

Relationships flicker by as light

A poem by Linda Rubin


Relationships flicker by as light
Stops for a look
Leaves and splintered wood basks in their touch
Only staying a minute or a second
Time measures it’s metered rest
Poof and we are returned to earthly tomes
To ponder the thoughts coming
Stopping them can’t be done
Trying stops shortly
Only remain the thoughts
Building houses in the space
Left by occasional voids
Conscious openings laying the framework
Tidying up after layers added
The door locked for now

Arts Fine Arts News Poetry

Peace Lily Explosion – suzanne m steiner


Garish Explosion
Gross chroma pollution, a
timely expression.



picture and words by

suzanne m steiner

Copyright 2012 suzanne m steiner


Film Observations Politics


Joseph Goebbels – Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda – Germany WWII

Currently there seems to be confusion in the media about what is a documentary and what is propaganda. When I hear a broadcaster on NPR or pundit on TV news call an obvious propaganda film like “Obama’s America 2016” a documentary it makes me think of the propaganda films the Nazi Party in Germany put out against the Jews.  Those played in theaters too!  Far right-wing groups, with a political agenda, whose purpose is to attack  the President of  Untied States to help current Republican candidate Willard Romney, financed this propaganda film.  A quick look at the preview for “Obama’s America 2016” on You Tube makes it obvious that the film is propaganda. I guess anyone who watches Fox Fake News on cable TV is into propaganda and may enjoy paying to see more of it.

I wonder if people in the media even know the difference between propaganda and documentary. They seem to not understand that an advocacy documentary  says what it’s subject and point-of-view are up front and then explores issues surrounding the topic. Whereas propaganda  hides it’s true intent, inventing fictional realities while pretending to be nonfiction.

Michael Moore makes advocacy documentary films. He does not make a secret of the fact that he has a liberal or progressive point-of-view.  His films explore the issues and show opposing viewpoints. Opponents of his advocacy positions have tried to call his films propaganda. But there is a big difference between advocacy and propaganda.  Michael Moore’s documentaries do not start out with trumped-up accusations and an undisclosed agenda. His documentaries look at facts that are substantiated by reality not ideology or politics. Political action groups or secret wealthy donors do not finance Michael Moore’s documentaries. Moore’s work does not include unsubstantiated theories by unknown sources. He does not use racist or ethnic “dog whistles” to demean anyone. His documentaries explore issues and ask questions in an attempt to reveal truth.

Most serious documentary filmmakers do not get involved in making propaganda because its purpose is to manipulate people into believing a biased or skewed idea presented in a fake, mock documentary style. Propaganda distorts reality and/or promotes an ideological, political or religious point-of-view.

Propaganda Definitions:

Propaganda distorts and skews reality, actuality and facts to present an alternative reality that is false.

Propaganda promotes a bias that a government, political party, religion, cause, or ideology espouses, showing only one biased and usually hidden agenda.

Propaganda seeks to manipulate the viewer by altering actuality with untruths and distortion to create a reality favorable to whatever ideology or cause it favors.

It’s unfortunate that the news media and the public have generally lost the ability to distinguish between “spin” and facts; between hardcore propaganda and documentary based on actuality and facts.

Written by J R Martin

This post in part based on excerpts from Create Documentary Films, Videos and Multimedia by James R Martin – Copyright 2011

Observations Politics

Elizabeth Warren Email

Elizabeth Warren

There are a lot of campaign emails flying around cyberspace these days. But this one written by Elizabeth Warren, running for the Senate in Massachusetts, struck me as one that I wanted to share. Chris Christie maligned Democrats and government while also stating how wonderful it was that his father was able to use the GI bill to get a college degree! Social legislation like the GI Bill, Social Security, Medicare, Health Care Reform,Pell grants and aid to education are all things Romney/Ryan and Christie now want to do away with. If have any doubts read the Romney/Ryan budget and read the Republican Platform documents they are trying to keep secret.

J R Martin


Jim —

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie gave a speech tonight at the Republican National Convention about the Greatest Generation.

Let’s talk about what really made the Greatest Generation so great.

Coming out of the Great Depression, America was at a crossroads. The future of our economy — and our democracy — was at stake.

We made a decision together as a country: To invest in ourselves, in our kids, and in our future. For nearly half a century, that’s just what we did.

And it worked. For nearly 50 years, as our country got richer, our families got richer — and as our families got richer, our country got richer.

And then about 30 years ago, our country moved in a different direction. New leadership attacked wages. They attacked pensions. They attacked health care. They attacked unions. And now we find ourselves in a very different world from the one our parents and grandparents built. We are now in a world in which the rich skim more off the top in taxes and special deals, and they leave less and less for our schools, for roads and bridges, for medical and scientific research — less to build a future.

Tonight, Chris Christie and the Republicans told the American people that we’re to blame for our broken economy. He told families to tighten their belts. He told seniors to live on less. He told teachers to stop fighting for fair pay.

He never, ever mentioned how much more the richest have taken, and he had no mention that those who broke our economy still haven’t been held accountable.

The Republicans believe in an America that is rigged for the big guys — giant corporations that can hire an army of lobbyists, ship jobs overseas, and take their profits to the Cayman Islands.

That’s not who we are as a people — and that’s not the kind of country we want to be.

We built America together, and that’s what makes America great.


Observations Politics

Facts Not Fiction About Romney/Ryan Plans For Medicare and Social Security

Voting Against Your Own Self-interest – The American Way?

Have you ever wondered why people vote against their own self-interest?  In many respects perhaps they can’t “see the light for the trees.” The trees are all the lies and distortions that one side puts up that seduce voters into focusing on ideas that they might like to, or are predisposed to believe, but are not true. One side playing on the known conscious and unconscious fears of prospective voters.  This tactic is not new, it has been going on forever in the United States.

It is a well know fact that the Republican party has always had the dismantling of social programs as one of it’s goals. Social Security and Medicare are at the top of the list.  They make no secret of it. But when it comes to election time they change the rhetoric.  They say they want to “reform and save” Medicare, but the real plan is to destroy it. Their plan to save Medicare is to “privatize” it by turning it in to a voucher program that would by default limit benefits.  By the way, a voucher is not cash. The voucher money would all go to private health insurance companies for limited coverage.  Remember G.W. Bush and his plan to “privatize” social security. Imagine what would have happened to the privately invested retirement funds in the stock market crash of 2008! Privatizing Medicare, the goal of the Romney/Ryan plan would inflate the cost of coverage and increase the deficit by $109 billion in ten years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

At the moment the Romney/Ryan campaign is putting out one lie after another regarding Medicare. Outright false statements are their stock and trade. They try to obscure reality with a barrage of lies. They say that changes would not effect current recipients or those close to retirement. This is not true since any change like giving out vouchers will result in the weakening of the current system. Once Republicans get their hands on Medicare it will effect everyone. Republican plans would push Medicare into insolvency because they want to overturn laws that keep it solvent! Again their goal is not to save or reform Medicare, it’s to destroy it.

There is no “raid”  on Medicare by President Obama. What he did was cut wasteful handouts to Health Insurance Companies. He eliminated avenues for fraud in the system. That savings is used to create more benefits for Medicare recipients in the Affordable Health Care Act (Obama Care).  The Romney/Ryan plan takes $716 billion from Medicare and uses it to finance tax cuts for the wealthy.  It’s in the Ryan Budget!  So Romney/Ryan are attacking the President with obvious lies to muddy the waters and confuse voters. It’s the Karl Rove tactic of attacking the other person and accusing them of your own faults.

According to the New York Times, “In reality, the $716 billion [from Medicare going to the Affordable Health Care Act] is not a cut in benefits but rather the savings in costs that the Congressional Budget Office projects over the next decade from wholly reasonable provisions in the reform law.”*  Romney/Ryan and the Republican Party have pledged to overturn the reform health care bill.  Overturning this bill will drive up the cost of health care for all seniors especially those with higher prescription needs and disabilities. The $716 billion, a cut also proposed by Romney/Ryan, will cut benefits and the money goes to reducing taxes for the top one  percent.

Romney and Ryan are both millionaires from wealthy families. Their policies benefit themselves, their extended families and the very rich. If elected, they will do what they said they would do before they tried to disguise it with campaign rhetoric and false accusations against the President, his administration and Democrats.

President Obama and Democrats traditionally support Medicare as an important commitment of non-changing benefits to seniors.  Democrats also support no changes to Social Security. What ever age you may be, the rock solid government guarantee of benefits for retirement provide a safety net for all. Contrary to Republican propaganda neither program is near bankruptcy. With the kind of well meaning reforms Democrats initiate these programs will continue to provide the type of support that most civilized counties of the world provide for their citizens. Countries as big as those from Europe and as small as Central American countries like Costa Rica.

Destroying Medicare is just  one priority of the Romney/Ryan far right Republican agenda. They support killing the minimum wage, destroying any form of collective bargaining, deregulation of all financial institutions, elimination of Pell Grants, pushing student loans back into the private sector, and cutting taxes for the super rich like themselves. Republicans don’t stand for small government either with programs for state and federal governments to control the rights of women in all ways. Every state where Republicans got control in 2010 has enacted (or tried to) laws that subjugate women and attempt to stop certain groups of people like students and minorities from voting.

Ask yourself, will Republican polices make my life better or will they destroy the middle and working class way of life in this country? We all like to think we will be among the super rich one day. In actuality the Republican agenda closes the door to upward mobility. Without Democratic social reforms, financial regulation and government incentives for small business, building and maintaining  infrastructure, capitalism turns into totalitarianism by the super rich and major corporations. We end up in the Great Depression again.

Written by J R Martin

*  New York Times Sunday Review 8-19-2012


Observations Politics




Romney has released a partial return for 2010.  That’s it.  He keeps saying he’s going to release two years but put his return for 2011 on extension so he wouldn’t have to release it.  Extensions usually go to the end of August, but you can request an additional extension.  Of course if you end up owing taxes you will pay interest and a penalty usually.

Romney won’t release past years returns because he has something to  hide.  It’s not difficult to figure that out. If he didn’t have something to hide he would have released them.  He’s arrogant enough to believe that he doesn’t have to release the returns and that he can still be elected President. He puts his haughty wife on TV to make the point that they are above the average person and play by their own rules.

The fact that he pays little or no taxes some years is not the biggest issue. What he’s trying to hide is all the shady tax shelters and income he has and where it is. It’s clear he’s taken advantage of the tax code in anyway possible and stretched the “legal” as far as it can go. Not releasing his past returns also will show how he lied about income from Bain Capital. There’s a lot more that will come out if he releases the returns. If he does not release ten years of returns including 2011, he should not be President of the United States. We the people need full disclosure.  Imagine if it were anyone else, like President Obama, who refused to release their tax returns!  The Republican base would be ready for a revolution!!

Romney’s ethics and practices are questionable? The American public deserves to know who they are electing to be President. Has anyone asked Romney for his birth certificate? It’s possible he could have been born in a polygamous Mormon colony in Mexico, where is Grandfather moved to escape US laws prohibiting polygamy.

Written by J R Martin

Quote from Robert Riche’s Blog Op Ed

Mitt’s 13% Tax

Friday, August 17, 2012 Mitt Romney says “every year I’ve paid at least 13 percent [of my income in taxes] and if you add in addition the amount that goes to charity, why the number gets well above 20 percent…”

More from Robert Reich’s blog at

Film Health Life News

FORKS OVER KNIVES – “Let food be thy medicine.” –Hippocrates Review by James R Martin


Forks Over Knives is both a personal journey story and an educational documentary. It explores the world of nutrition and the damage foods derived from animal-based food products (meat and dairy) may be doing to human health. Forks Over Knives also makes the claim that “most, if not all” degenerative diseases that plague humans can be controlled or reversed by moving away from animal-based and processed foods.

Forks Over Knives is written and directed by Lee Folkerson, who for personal health reasons, looks at the affect of processed and animal-based foods on his health. The research of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a nutritional biochemist from Cornell University, and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn a former surgeon at the well know Cleveland Clinic is highlighted. According to the filmmaker, Esselystyn and Campbell’s separate, independent studies into degenerative diseases, proves there is a connection between eating processed and animal-based foods and diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other problems.

The opening scenes of Forks Over Knives begins with the following quotes,  “the average American now carries twenty-three extra pounds.” “ Heart disease and stroke will claim the lives of 460 thousand American Women,” and “We’re talking about diabetes and hypertension, bone disease and osteoporosis…” also facts about the food we eat and health problems in the United States and other countries. Food and the drugs we take may be extremely harmful to the health of adults and children in the long run. According to the film the US spends five times more on health care then the defense budget.  Why are there so many health problems? Bill Maher is quoted saying, “…There’s no money in healthy people or dead people. It’s the people in the middle; people who are alive with one or more chronic conditions…” Others like Michele Obama talk about “Obesity,” and other conditions as seen in a montage of film clips. These facts are well documented and the problem well stated to set the investigation conducted by the documentary.

One of the marks of a good documentary story is not to have a string of talking head interviews.  In Forks Over Knives there is a continuing montage of action and “B” roll that parallels what is claimed with graphic evidence making for a convincing argument.

Forks Over Knives takes an unexpected turn when it takes goes to China and a study done there initiated by Chinese Premier Zhou En-lai, who is suffering from bladder cancer.  Six hundred and fifty thousand researchers cataloged the mortality patterns caused by several types of cancer for the years between 1973 and 1975. The study covered every county in China and over 850 million people.

Based on the study by Dr. Campbell they found some important correlations between what people in China were eating and the types of cancer and other diseases they contracted. An in-depth food and nutrition study ensued looking at the diet and lifestyles of people over many years.  The results were conclusive. In 1990 after ten years of intensive work, Dr. Campbell and his team published the China Study. It identified no less than ninety-four thousand correlations between diet and disease.

Forks Over Knives is a documentary that may well change your life.  There is important  information here that cannot be ignored. This is a film well worth seeing, that makes a definitive statement based on fact and not speculation. It is informative and educational. It may save your life.



FORKS OVER KNIVES2011 – 96 Minutes – Written and Directed by Lee Folkerson – Virgil Films Entertainment



Forks Over Knives

Books by James R Martin  Available on Amazon

Listen Learn Share: How & Why Listening, Learning and Sharing can Transform Your Life Experience In Practical Ways

Create Documentary Films, Videos and Multimedia: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Documentary Storytelling Techniques for Film, Video, the Internet and Digital Media Projects.

Actuality Interviewing and Listening: How to conduct successful interviews for nonfiction storytelling, actuality documentaries and other disciplines … (Documentary and Nonfiction Storytelling)